Music-making of visceral immediacy
Music-making of visceral immediacy
Technically absolutely perfect and unassailable understanding of the music
Technically absolutely perfect and unassailable understanding of the music
Finely judged idiomatic performance(s) with gorgeous phrasing and a wide palette of tonal color.
Finely judged idiomatic performance(s) with gorgeous phrasing and a wide palette of tonal color.
The duo of DiEugenio and Solomon are world-class and extraordinarily nuanced in how they bring out all the implications of these works.
The duo of DiEugenio and Solomon are world-class and extraordinarily nuanced in how they bring out all the implications of these works.
Mimi Solomon likewise plays commendably, with color and verve; together the two present a touching, committed testament to a unique presence in American music.
Mimi Solomon likewise plays commendably, with color and verve; together the two present a touching, committed testament to a unique presence in American music.
a marvelously engaging performance… Every single phrase was played with intentionality, creating a captivating and immersive experience
a marvelously engaging performance… Every single phrase was played with intentionality, creating a captivating and immersive experience
ideal balance…sensitivity to stylistic excellence
ideal balance…sensitivity to stylistic excellence
Incredibly focused, emotionally intense playing. Solomon was highly sensitive and authentic
Incredibly focused, emotionally intense playing. Solomon was highly sensitive and authentic
Solomon provided the emotional heft…
Solomon provided the emotional heft…
Gershwin's Piano Concerto found a fleet-fingered advocate in Mimi Solomon
Gershwin's Piano Concerto found a fleet-fingered advocate in Mimi Solomon